速報APP / 健康塑身 / BJJBuddy - BJJ Tracker Journal

BJJBuddy - BJJ Tracker Journal



檔案大小:55.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


BJJBuddy - BJJ Tracker Journal(圖1)-速報App

BJJBuddy is a BJJ Submission Tracker which allows you to track your rolling, submissions and tapps all with beautiful charts. Learn brazilian jiu jitsu with BJJBuddy through video & video recommendations based on your training stats. Get to know your BJJ game by understanding your submissions and taps over time. Get detailed analysis on your bjj strengths and break down where you game has holes.

Share your BJJ stats with friends. Break down your submissions and tapps. Capture notes on training. Get social and post your stats and follow your friends bjj training. All in place.

New! BJJBuddy integrates with Apple's HealthKit. BJJBuddy now can send workout data to Apple's HealthKit so you can track BJJ related workouts like rolling stats & calories burned all in HealthKit. You can choose to share with permissions.

BJJBuddy - BJJ Tracker Journal(圖2)-速報App

BJJBuddy - BJJ Tracker Journal(圖3)-速報App

BJJBuddy - BJJ Tracker Journal(圖4)-速報App

BJJBuddy - BJJ Tracker Journal(圖5)-速報App

BJJBuddy - BJJ Tracker Journal(圖6)-速報App

BJJBuddy - BJJ Tracker Journal(圖7)-速報App

BJJBuddy - BJJ Tracker Journal(圖8)-速報App

BJJBuddy - BJJ Tracker Journal(圖9)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad